I invite you to join the quest to eradicate domestic violence and Help Open Pandora's Box.
It began to protect my children. Now, it continues to protect yours.
Do you know the odds your daughter faces?
According to results of the National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth (NLSCY), approximately 71%1 of youth in Canada report being in a dating relationship by the age of 15. Among those that have engaged in a dating relationship, 55% had their first dating relationship by the age of 12. Although dating violence occurs at any stage of life, most of the Canadian research published to date has focused on high school, college or university students (Wekerle et al., 2009)(Ellis et al., 2009)(Straus, 2004)(DeKeseredy & Kelly, 1993). (Statistics Canada)
Young women between the ages of 16 and 21 are at the highest risk of sexual assault. (Women's Safety Project, 1993.) (SASHA)
Date rape accounts for 60% of reported rapes. (Vis-A-Vis, USA, 1992.) (SACHA)
It is estimated that only 1% of all date rapes are reported to the police. (Diana Russell, Sexual Exploitation: Rape, Child Abuse and Workplace Harassment, California, 1984.) (SACHA.)
93% of sexual assault survivors do not report to the police. (Statistics Canada, The Daily. (Ottawa: Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics, November 18, 1993.) (SACHA)
Four out of five female undergraduates surveyed at Canadian universities said they had been victims of violence in a dating relationship. (W. DeKeseredy and K.Kelly, The Incidence and Prevalence of Woman Abuse in Canadian University and College Dating Relationships: Results from a National Survey, 1993.) (SACHA)
60% of Canadian college-aged males indicated they would commit sexual assault if they were certain they would not get caught. (Lenskyj, 1992) (SACHA)
I can go on, but so can you - educate yourself, become aware and help, whether by volunteering, donating or sharing your own experiences. You will soon realize, if you haven't already how important it is for your daughter to learn how to be aware and wise - ultimately, she is the only one who can give herself protection.
Open the dialogue - open Pandora's Box.
Fall bookings are still available and if you require any information not yet posted, please feel free to contact me directly.