Monday, December 19, 2011

Lost Innocence

Lost Innocence

For days on end
A child cried
Nowhere to run
No place to hide

The tears were silent
A stone face shown
People all around
Yet she was alone

What happened to her
She didn't tell
But survived alone
In her private hell

The shame now there
A childhood ruined
With no idea
It wasn't her doing

She did not know
About birds and bees
She just thought
They belonged in trees

He invaded some places
Foreign to her
She didn't protest
She did not stir

All she thought was
This is wrong
But couldn't move
He was too strong

She let it happen
She's to blame
She never expected
To feel such shame

For days on end
She felt guilt
If she told
A family would tilt

The fear now there
Buried deep inside
Even if asked
She would have lied

Living in silence
Until this day
Now she knows
What she must say

It is her duty
To now tell
So other children
Not endure her hell

By Lisa A. MacLeod


  1. I can understand completely what you are conveying here. I hope you get to check out my blogs at ...some of the poetry might interest you. I will also place you on my blog roll so hopefully I can get you some traffic also.

  2. I am crying...and relating so hard! Someone damaged and robbed of their own innocence removed the light of yours. And you fought HARD to retrieve it, using your intelligence. Your creativity. Your ART! BRAVO brave lioness. I salute you, and all of us that thrive. Blessed Be.
